Ethical Framework - Professional Conduct Practice
See also Ethical Framework
Downloadable PDF of PTUK Ethical Framework
It is the responsibility of Members Complained Against and Complainants to ensure that they fully understand the
Professional Conduct Procedure. This procedure forms an essential part of PTUK’s commitment to the protection of
the public. It is based directly on the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy's Professional Conduct Procedure.
Members are required to inform any carer and the client, if appropriate, who indicates that they have a complaint or
grievance about the existence of this procedure and any other applicable complaints or disciplinary procedures. If
requested to do so, practitioners should inform their clients and carers about how they may obtain further information
concerning these procedures. Further information may be obtained by contacting PTUK directly.
This Professional Conduct Procedure 2010 will apply to all complaints received by PTUK after 1st May 2010.
The first aim of the Professional Conduct Procedure is to afford protection to the public.
The second is to protect the reputation of PTUK and the professions of Play Therapy and Filial Play Coaching/Mentoring
as conducted by both individual and organisational members of PTUK.
A complaint can be brought by either:
a) a member of the public seeking or using a service provided by a member of the PTUK or
b) a member against another member
PTUK cannot deal with complaints against individuals or organisations who were not members of PTUK at the time
of the alleged breach of professional conduct.
A complaint must be lodged within three years of the alleged breach.
All records, save for details of the formal complaint, the formal response, the decision of the Professional Conduct Panel,
Appeal decision and sanction which are kept for five years, will be kept for a period of two years only.
The administration of the Professional Conduct Procedure will follow protocols laid down from time to time by PTUK.
These will be administered by the Chief Executive of PTUK or a person nominated by the Chief Executive.
PTUK is not responsible for travel or any other expenses incurred either by the Complainant or the Member Complained Against
(or any support person/representative) in connection with any stage of the complaint. PTUK cannot order one
party to a complaint to pay another party's costs.
PTUK may decide to hear a complaint against a member when another organisation is involved in a similar
process arising out of the same substantive matters.
Before making the complaint, the Complainant is expected to attempt to resolve the issue with the individual or
organisational Member Complained Against. The Complainant must demonstrate that all informal channels or,
in the case of organisational members, all internal processes and procedures have been exhausted. If local
resolution is impossible or inappropriate, an explanation as to why this is the case will be required.
PTUK reserves the right to distribute any findings upheld against a member where it considers it right and
just to do so in all circumstances.
The Complainant and Member Complained Against will be notified in writing that the complaint will proceed to
a Professional Conduct Hearing.
At the time of notification of acceptance of the complaint, a full copy of the formal complaint will be submitted
to the Member Complained Against, who will have 28 days to respond to the complaint. Any response to the
complaint must be forwarded to the Chief Executive of PTUK.
All evidence submitted by either the Complainant or the Member Complained Against shall be available to the
parties involved in the complaint. The Chief Executive will distribute to the parties copies of all submissions made.
It is the duty of the parties taking part in the Professional Conduct Procedure to comply with the protocols laid down
by PTUK. Such persons shall comply with the implementation of the Professional Conduct Procedure. Any failure to
comply may result in the termination of the Professional Conduct Procedure or termination of membership.
The Chief Executive of PTUK may suspend the rights of membership of the Member Complained Against, pending
the finalisation of the Professional Conduct Procedure when, having regard to the nature of the complaint, it appears
appropriate and just to do so in all the circumstances.
The Chief Executive will notify the Member Complained Against of the suspension of membership or of any rights
of membership.
No liability for any loss suffered, or expenses incurred, will attach to PTUK for the suspension of membership or
rights of membership even where a complaint is not upheld.
Failure to renew membership by a Member Complained Against during the course of a complaint will not normally
terminate the Professional Conduct Procedure. A member's resignation from membership of PTUK will not terminate
nor invalidate the hearing of a complaint by PTUK.
The complete PTUK Ethical Framework may be
downloaded as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. To view and print this
document you require a copy of the Acrobat Reader.
Ethical Framework as a PDF file

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