Research Policies and Results
Practice Based Research - Latest Clinical Outcomes
Client Attributes, Intervention, Assessment of Difficulties & Pro-Social
Results - Changes, Summary & Action Points
Practice Based Research - Latest Clinical Outcomes
One of PTI’s and PTI’s top priorities is research to show the effectiveness of play therapy. Since 2004 we have been collecting and analysing pre and post therapy data using the Goodman Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Thanks to the diligence of our members this has become, by far, the largest single quantitative play therapy research project in the world.
This article is based upon an analysis of the data carried out in August 2008. The cases are at present all from the UK or Ireland. Next year we hope to include
Practice based evidence is from the ‘real world’ - not laboratory conditions or specially designed trials. This has the advantage of having a very good chance that the results will be replicated. Indeed over the years our annual ‘snapshots’ have demonstrated this. However there also some disadvantages and one is that practitioners cannot always obtain complete data. This is shown in the table below where there are 2802 records of age, as compared to the 3139 total (89%).
Of those contributing:
1% have supplied over 50 cases; 6% between 21 and 49 cases; 27% between 11 and 20; 34% between 5 and 10 and 33% 5 or less.
Last year the total number of cases had built up to 1916 provided by 167 therapists so this year has seen a good increase. However there is still considerable room for improvement especially from qualified members. It is estimated that we should be receiving something like 3000 cases a year. We assume that all of our members are using the SDQ as a main method of clinical governance but are not sending the data in. With membership renewals due in January please start collating and copying the SDQ and casework summary.
Client Attributes
No surprises! Since the start of the programme the proportion has been a two thirds boys, one third girls.

The Dataset
327 PTI/PTI Therapists contributed data for 3139 cases, an average of 9.6 each. This compares with 9.8 at our last analysis. Over 1800 of these have post therapy measures.
This article is based upon an analysis of the data carried
The majority of clients (81.23%) are between the ages of

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